
Things To Do in Albany, 11pm-7am.

Reviews and photos of Albany attractions posted by a real traveller who knows nothing about the city!! The best tips for Albany timewasting!

1. Lines. These are great for waiting in!
2. Go to bars alone. Don't forget to stare at younger girls, and remember to act like you're "with it".
3. Be an epicurean adventurer. Go for late night pizza. Here's a fun thing to try! Mistake the garlic salt for parmesan cheese, you'll rue the resultant garlic breath.
4. The sweating is top-notch this time of year.
5. Walk around downtown late at night. Try to figure out whether the fact that locals consider muscle shirts as acceptable "going out" clothes is horrifying or refreshing. Avoid eye contact with anyone wearing muscle shirts, due to you lack of a posse . . . you can do this for hours.
6. Drive to a state park at two in the morning (15 miles). When the site manager is still awake watching soccer and tells you to leave, drive back to the city without putting up a fight. Look out for deer!
6. Sleep in the trunk of the car at a rest area. Don't forget to keep sweating. You'll wonder why you smell like pee. And garlic.
7. Wake up dehydrated. Remember that you're not supposed to lock dogs in the car on hot days, and decide it's probably not great for people either.
8. Drive around some more. For additional fun, listen to the NPR weather man. He;s got an amazing rapid-fire delivery, and more statistics at his fingertips than an autistic baseball fan! Fun!
9. For a real Albany experience, try Starbucks. You'll be comfortable there. I recommend the coffee.


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