You should. . .sleep outside (also, pretend protesting, ten times more useless than real protesting)
Ok. It was definitely below freezing last night, but I thought it would be cool to sleep outside. Get out my tent and find a patch of snow, bundle myself in wool and sleeping bags and have that wonderful feeling of being in a little warm cocoon surrounded by cold cold air. I had this all planned out. First I would go to the bar with my friends. I would have a couple beers, drive me and my tent and my sleeping bag to a good spot, and set up my little arctic camp. I would feel refreshed and badass in the morning.
Instead, I got drunk and slept in a bed. I dreamed that Jennifer Garner wouldn't go out with me.
Also, Personal democracy has this account of a "Virtual March on Washington", which happened in the game, or virtual world, or whatever, that is Second Life. Wonkette then made fun of for its complete uselessness.
One of the organizers defended the event, writing,
We don't expect that this kind of event is going to have much impact on politicians (at least for a few years) but that the value in it is the energy created by getting people together, amplifying their voices, building community, and forging the new territory of progressive political organizing in virtual worlds.
But really. If i did happen to be using my free time wandering around second life, I'm sure I could find many better things to do than holding my virtual sign protesting a real war. And no matter what, if progressive political organizing in "virtual" [pretend] worlds is the goal, you would have to at least get someone with some political heft to see it. I guarantee they have better things to do.

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