
Tiny chanters

Today, in many (liberal) American towns, there was some sort of global warming action going on under the name, "Step it up." Besides the fact that this sounds more like a workout program than a protest, and besides the fact that I was trying to relax in the park and people kept bothering me to sign things, join groups, or accept their paraphernalia, the biggest annoyance was the little protesting children. I think that, like voting, there should be an age limit under which children are deemed as not responsible for thinking on their own, and thus not capable of protesting. I don't know what this age should be, but I was imagining how disgusted people might be if they saw the same nine year olds at an anti-immigration, or god forbid, a KKK rally.

When I was in college, I was walking down the street with a pretty girl I had a crush on, and whose name I now forget (let's call her Josephine), we saw some fundamentalists sending their children to hand out literature on how Josephine and I were going to burn in hell. Josephine turned to me and said, "It turns my stomach to see people turning their children into little proselytizers." I actually wouldn't have noticed if I wasn't so attracted to this girl that I listened to everything she said (I know, a big deal!!) , but I have felt the same way ever since.

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