
a scream away from dean

There are a lot of quotes like this comment (on the New York Times politics blog) about Barack Obama.

Mark my words, it will be the long-dormant 18-22 year old bloc that will give this man a boost. There’s a huge untapped potential voting group out there, apathetic because up until now, we haven’t found anyone that we feel we can trust, or who cares. Obama is that guy. One needs to only look at his profile on the college-heavy Facebook site. People are BEGGING him to run, and BEGGING to work for him.

These statements would sound very much like those about Howard Dean in 2002-2003. Part of me wants to see Barack Obama's campaign implode as badly as Dean's did.

Not because I don't like Obama. I think he'd make a great president. Too much hype just makes me malicious, I guess.


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