Liberals, namby-pambys, and monsters

The Comics Curmudgeon has this to say about the current Mary Worth cartoon:
"This is just typical of the touchy-feely logic of this strip’s southern California locale: they think they can talk Stalky McStalker out of his stalking ways. Well, some mustachioed monsters can’t be reasoned with, you liberal namby-pambies."
I don't know if the Curmudgeon came up with this line, but what strikes me is how multipurpose it is. It could have been used by Neocons in the leadup to the Iraq war, or Churchill in regard to Chamberlain's pre-WWII appeasement policy, or by Curtis Lemay to criticize Adlai Stevenson during the Cuban Missile Crisis. Anyway, I'm just saying, multipurpose.
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