
Oh the audacity!

I was wandering around downtown San Francisco today, because that’s where I am and wandering is what I like to do when I’m here. I was sitting next to that bigass fountain at the Embarcadero, you know, the one that looks like a shit-ton of plumbing. Anyway, before I was sitting next to the fountain, there was this rather attractive girl (sunglasses too big, but backless dress) sitting next to the fountain. She was reading Barack Obama’s, The audacity of hope (which, by the way, is an awesome title; much better than “I also have a dream”.

Anyway, I’m just sitting there, in the sun, looking at this girl’s book cover, and she has the audacity to get up and move fifty feet away, sit back down, and return to her book. And I’m left thinking, that’s not an audacity of hope, but more of an audacity of fear that every innocent-looking dude sitting near you is a creep that is going to hit on you.
I decided that if that girl was going to act in her personal life as if every man around her was looking to throw it in, she’d never reach the level of trust and faith in humanity that Mr. Obama’s sublime words have to offer.

I was going to hit on her, though. Hard.

p.s. Here's a quote from this blog:

Listening to him, I feel more inspired -- more hopeful -- about this country, and politics in general, than I have in at least seven years, possibly longer. I am anxiously awaiting my bumper sticker and button from the store on his website.

Which is similar to what I think the fountain girl would have said about me, if she'd given me a chance.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

way to edit



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