reverse psychology

According to Atrios, one of the main reasons people might not read a blog is because. . .
A sizable chunk of your content involves complaining about people not reading or linking to you. There's an audience for this, but the territory is rather overcovered in the blogosphere.
Which is like, this sick positive feedback thing. You don't get read so you get sad, so you complain, and no one likes a complainer (the squeaky wheel gets a fuck off) and so you get less viewers and it continues until it's just you and your computer out there and you might as well be looking at pornography rather than wasting your time dropping your sucky platitudes like milliliters of pee into the metropolis-sized sewage tube that is the internet. Also, it's the way it should be.
So me, I use reverse psychology. I'm all like, don't read my blog, fuckers, I didn't want you anyway. Also, my blog sucks ass, so you wouldn't like it even if I did want you here.
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