
sad faces

I'm Mad as Hell and I'm Not Going to Take It Anymore, and I'm Totally Diggin It

was the headline of this newsweek article. The article is actually fine. It discusses how conservatives are all walking around with sad faces on due to the fact that the have no leadership and everyone hates them and the democrats are hogging all the good legislation. They had quotes from a "legendary direct mailer" (this is slightly above being a legendary telemarketer), Phyllis Schafly, and some guy wearing a dolphin mask, all talking about how sad they are. So, that's fine.

But I'm wondering, what's with that goddamn title. It's ridiculously long, and after the Mad as Hell thing, doesn't even apply to the situation being discussed in the article. Fuck you, Newsweek. Your just misusing some quotes or catchphrase or whatever, and I find it unacceptable. (Sad Face)


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