Special American Idol

The AP has an article about Clay Aiken's potential posting on the President's Committee for People with Intellectual Disabilities. While Clay's web site doesn't deem the prospective Committee membership important enough to mention, it does provide a nifty countdown clock that tells you when Clay's new album comes out (11 days, 2 hours, 59 minutes, and 14 seconds at my last check!).
Apparently, all it takes is a stint on American Idol to make it into the world of policy. Soon, we'll be seeing Rufus Studdard heading up the NAACP. Hell, with her talent, Kelly Clarkson could be Secretary of State.
Bush Puts Retards on Panel (Wonkette)
yet another idiot that has NO idea of how qualified Mr. Aiken is. This is separate from his music career, he purpously used the name Clayton Aiken to distance that side of his life from this. And it is mentioned on his fan club site. RCA was playing xmas music in march on that site, I expect nothing better from RCA. you know what never mind, i'm obviously wasting my time with you.
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