
Cindy Sheehan likes the metaphors

Cindy Sheehan wrote a little article recently. I skimmed it. Thusly, I have learned that Bush is a bad president. She made her point with several illustrative metaphors.
here's a summary in Sheehan-language.

Democrats are jumping for joy. Republicans are scrambling like Keystone Kops and falling all over each other to cover their asses. . . Democrats are busy counting their un-hatched chickens and Republicans are getting muscle cramps from pointing fingers at everyone, including the pages that Foley hunted down. . . molested by the entire Congress.

She has been waiting for the other shoe to drop. . .that awful other shoe dropped.
George and his crime family. Not holding my breath. Crap rolls down hill. . .crapped on by our government. . .we are covered with crap. . .drip, drip, drip.

I'm just saying, that's a lot of metaphors. And a little too much poopy talk for my tastes.


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