Like praying on a rollercoaster

Fluxx is a card game. Christian Fluxx is the Christian version of said card game. I played the original Fluxx once while I was waiting to have brunch in Oregon, it was nothing special, but worked ok for passing the time, and fit nicely in a purse or pocket. If describing it, I would call it "a pretty fun game."
So, Christian Fluxx. For those concerned with religious equality, Looney Labs, the makers of Fluxx, also make a Jewish version, with Shabbat, and Judaica Bonuses and other fun activities. I have not seen any other denominations represented, but all the atheist hippies out there would probably be pretty happy with EcoFluxx. My thing with Christian Fluxx is, isn't Christianity fun enough already? I mean, there are Easter egg hunts and kneeling and confessing your sins and overweened senses of self-worth and the righteous feeling that comes from decrying the acts of others and bingo and Catholic Boys Schools (my personal favorite) and the Popemobile and the Indiana Jones movies and eucharist and didn't Jim and Tammy Faye used to have a Christian-themed amusement park?
I'm just saying, I think the fun level in Christianity is high enough. Let's get a little serious about this stuff. Save the Fluxx for the Wiccans.
I do like how the "Christian Fluxx" sounds a little dirty, though.
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