

Ryeman: Are you going to that free event?
Marcel Parcells: No
Ryeman: Why not? It's free.
Marcel Parcells: That's why. I don't go anywhere they let poor people in. Not exclusive enough.

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the War on Babies

So. . .

Obama and Clinton Brace For a Long-Distance Run
If Clinton had gone for the baby vote, like I told her to, this would be over by now. She could be resting on her laurels for a little while, having some cuddle time with Bill, and gearing up for the next race, against John McCain.

By the time a Democrat actually gets a nomination and then, maybe, to the Whitehouse, he or she is going to be too exhausted to lead effectively (ok, they're Democrats, so they probably wouldn't have led effectively as it is). There's going to be some George W. Bush style month long vacationing on the schedule for next January 21 to April 30, and then it will be time to run for reelection.

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super duper

Well, it's super Tuesday. Yay votes.
If you're a racist sexist member of the Democratic party, good luck. I suggest you vote for Hillary, since white women have the ability to make more white men. If you're not racist or sexist, vote for Obama, because he's got nice teeth, and that works when judging horses, right?

Right now, Huckabee's winning in Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Missouri, Tennessee and West Virginia. Yup, he's definitely got the backwards nutjob vote locked up.

Obama's got Connecticut, now. That whole idea that he can only win in black states is out the window. So, the good news is that, when a whole state votes for a half-white man, he can still win with 50% of the vote. That's the math, right?

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babies for hillary

Hillary Clinton cried again today, which makes her a tired crybaby faker passionate feeling committed fragile crying crier. You know what constituency is really big on crying?


Yes. Hillary now has the baby vote locked up. The elusive baby vote, millions strong, but as of yet uncommitted to a candidate. Until now they were torn between Obama's reassuring smile , Hillary's delicious mammaries, and Dennis Kucinich's tiny baby body. But now they have someone who they can relate to, someone who can communicate with. A crier.

If the babies can get their mommies to bring them to the polls, hold them up to the ballot box, check off the box for Hillary, change their diapers, and amend the constitution to allow babies to vote, I predict a big win for Hillary. If not, well, at least she's got the wussy vote. Wussies love crying, too.

p.s. It has also been noted (by Greg Wasserstrom at Cynics Party) that Hillary was showing poor judgment by wearing her yellow jacket today. Maybe she wasn't crying, maybe it hurts her eyes too.

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Will Bill Shill for Hill? ps rhyming is dumb

Jake Tapper is an ABC News Senior National Correspondent. Jake Tapper is also a blogger. Jake Tapper writes Political Punch, which is both a blog, and the imaginary name of a disgusting drink that i just imagined in my imagination.

Recently, Political Punch made the point that the "dream team" Clinton-Obama ticket that Hillary talks up is more of a fantasy team, because everybody wants to see them having sex, and becasue the chance of that happening are about the same as them sharing a ticket.

Of course, another option is to name Bill as her VP. The upside of this is that they already have experience campaigning together, and, when issues of national security dictate that Bill be in a separate, undisclosed location, he'll be just fine with that. The downside is mostly for Hillary, since I expect that Bill will find a way to have her impeached so he regain his office. That would be hot.

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