Thank God, it's the day after. No more September 11th for another year. I'm getting kind of excited for fifty years from now, when 9/11 will be like Pearl Harbor in that most people won't know what day it was (shit!, should have named it something different!) and Jerry Bruckheimer types are responsible for the moviemaking instead of Oliver Stone types. Man, that Oliver Stone movie looks rough. Like watching the CNN reruns of 9/11, and picturing your mother with cancer, and picturing her in the World Trade Center the whole time. With a puppy.
And then there's the ABC/Disney movie that people (especially
Dailykos people) are up in arms about. Apparently, the movie bends the truth in a way that makes the Clinton administration look less than awesome. I say who cares? Does anybody really think that that some network TV movie is going to alter the political landscape enough to matter? On finding out it was Clinton's fault from a TV show, are American citizens going to instill all of their faith in George W. Bush again? And if so, haven't we hit a level of stupidity only superseded by Paris Hilton fans? At some point, you just have to realize that most TV is junk and let it go.
On the other side, there are some better, pettier complaints that I find ammusing. The
libertarians think that the jiggly-box style of filming needs to go. Me, I think that the jerky television screen is a product of market forces, and thus must be the most efficent form of fake-documentary entertainment.
Oh, and the movie was filmed in Toronto, which
some people think is Anti-american. I think the producers just didn't want to be responsible for exploding the shit out of New York City for the second time in five years. But what do I know? I haven't seen it. I'm not going to either. Some people say I threw up on the real Sepember 11 because of alcohol consumption, but I think it was the psychosomatic response to the prospect of years and years of boring fake documentaries, downer movies, and bad politics.